Huawei Wireless Travel Tripod & Selfie Stick 2 in 1 – CF15 PRO

Huawei Wireless Travel Tripod & Selfie Stick 2 in 1 – CF15 PRO

Current price is: $69.00. Original price was: $89.00.

  • Detachable remote control
  • Handheld
  • Tripod mode
wireless tripod color
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Current price is: $69.00. Original price was: $89.00.

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**All data in the foregoing pages are theoretical values obtained by HUAWEI internal laboratories through tests carried out under particular conditions. For more information, refer to the aforementioned product details. Actual data may vary owing to differences in individual products, software versions, application conditions, and environmental factors. All data is subject to actual usage.

***Due to real-time changes involving product batches, production and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, and features, HUAWEI may make real-time adjustments to text descriptions and images in the foregoing information pages, so that they match the product performance, specifications, indexes, and components of the actual product. Product information is subject to such changes and adjustments without notice.

Weight 1 kg